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Benefits of Monitoring Computer Science Classroom

Benefits of Monitoring Computer Science Classroom are best seen in real-time when students are working on assignments and the teacher is providing help.

CS is one of the most challenging subjects to learn and teach. The CS field is constantly evolving, and it requires a great deal of creativity and problem-solving skills.

For students, it can be a daunting task to keep up with the latest developments and to apply the concepts they have learned in real-world situations. For teachers, it can be equally challenging to create lesson plans that are engaging and effective, and to evaluate the success of those plans. Fortunately, monitoring is a powerful tool that can help both teachers and students succeed in computer science.

Computer Science Classroom
Monitoring is welcome in CS Classroom

We can mention a few benefits of Monitoring CS Classroom:

  • Easier identification of student’s challenges for a teacher
  • Students feel more included in lesson plan and execution of it
  • Quick evaluation of lesson plan for teachers
  • Working on CS assignments requires constant feedback from teachers
  • It makes teacher more responsive and with that lesson is more interactive
  • Faster response time for students
  • Students are more curious since they know they will get answer quickly

How does Cobie AI incorporate benefits of monitoring CS classroom

Cobie AI is a cutting-edge technology that incorporates the benefits of monitoring computer science classroom. It allows teachers to respond to students’ needs in real-time using AI, which can help to improve their learning experience.

One of the key features of Cobie AI is its ability to show teachers what students are doing in real-time. This allows teachers to quickly identify students who may be struggling and provide them with the support they need. It also enables teachers to monitor the progress of the classroom as a whole, which can help to improve the effectiveness of instruction.

Cobie AI - Dashboard (DE) - Heterogeneous Group - Screenshot
Cobie AI – Dashboard for Heterogeneous Group

Cobie AI also encourages teachers and students to communicate with each other more effectively. Using the chat feature, teachers can provide students with real-time feedback and support, which can be critical to their success. Additionally, students can ask questions and get help from their teacher when they need it, which can help to keep them engaged and motivated.

With Cobie AI, teachers can easily monitor the progress of the class, and quickly respond to student’s needs. It is amazing how this technology can bring real-time monitoring in the classroom, which can help to improve a student’s learning experience. If you want to see it in action, sign up for a presentation and see how this technology can help to improve your classroom.

Benefits of Monitoring Computer Science Classroom from teacher’s perspective

Monitoring students during class can provide several benefits for the teacher, including:

  • Identifying students who may need additional support or intervention: By closely observing students, the teacher can quickly identify those who are struggling and provide them with the help they need to succeed.
  • Maintaining a positive and productive learning environment: Monitoring students can help the teacher keep the class on task and focused, which can lead to a more efficient and effective use of class time.
  • Improving classroom management: By being aware of what students are doing, the teacher can address disruptions or other issues as they arise, which can help maintain a positive and orderly classroom environment.
  • Enhancing instruction: Observing students can provide the teacher with valuable information about their understanding of the material, which can be used to adjust instruction and better meet the needs of the class.
  • Enhancing student’s learning: By keeping an eye on students, teachers can identify and quickly address any misconceptions or confusion that students may have, which can help them to learn more effectively and make better progress.

Student’s perspective and benefits of monitoring

Benefits of Monitoring from students perspective
Benefits of Monitoring from students perspective

From a student’s perspective, the benefits of a teacher monitoring and being aware of what they are doing during class can include:

  • Increased engagement: When a teacher is monitoring the class, students may feel more motivated to participate and stay engaged in the lesson, which can lead to a deeper understanding of the material.
  • Improved understanding of the material: By paying close attention to the students, the teacher can quickly identify areas where they are struggling and provide targeted support or clarification.
  • Increased accountability: Knowing that the teacher is monitoring their behavior and work can help students stay on task and focused, which can lead to better academic performance.
  • Enhanced classroom management: When the teacher is aware of what students are doing, they are more likely to address disruptions or other issues as they arise, which can help maintain a positive and orderly classroom environment, which can be beneficial for student’s learning.
  • Increased sense of safety and security: Students may feel more safe and secure when the teacher is monitoring the class, as it can help to prevent bullying or other negative behaviors.

Evaluate lesson plan on the fly

One of the key benefits of monitoring is that it allows teachers to evaluate their lesson plans and make adjustments as needed. By observing students during class, teachers can gain valuable insights into what is working and what is not. For example, if a teacher notices that students are struggling with a particular concept, they can quickly adjust their instruction to better meet the needs of the class. This can be especially important in computer science, where the material is complex and constantly changing.

Embedded lesson plans with Cobie AI

Cobie AI offers a unique approach to lesson planning by providing teachers with the ability to use synthetic content with voice, text, and images. This makes the lesson plans more dynamic and engaging for students. Our lesson plans are specifically designed for monitoring and interaction, which allows teachers to evaluate the progress of their students in real-time and make adjustments as needed. We also offer pre-prepared content for teachers to use out of the box from unplugged computer programming, block-based programming, to web development and making games using JavaScript.

Monitoring inspires interactivity

Another benefit of monitoring is that it allows teachers to be more interactive with their students. When teachers are aware of what their students are doing, they can respond to their questions and curiosity, which can help to create a more engaging and effective learning environment. Interactive assignments can be great for students, as they can motivate them to work and learn. Monitoring also allows teachers to provide students with real-time feedback, which can be critical to their success.

Central overview, less walking around the classroom

Benefits of Monitoring Computer Science Classroom
Benefits of Monitoring Computer Science Classroom

Another benefit of monitoring is that it allows teachers to be more interactive with their students without the need to walk around as much. With the help of technology, teachers can monitor students’ progress and understanding of the material remotely. This allows them to spend more time teaching and less time walking around the classroom, which can create a more productive and efficient learning environment.

In computer science classrooms, there is also often a lot of clutter, with many students working on different tasks and assignments and this makes it a bit more manageable. Cobie AI allows for a central overview of the whole classroom or 1-1 mentoring feature, and teachers can decide what to use. With this it is easier for teachers to respond to common mistakes and explain in more detail how to solve it or reveal a good solution that students produced.

Computer science demands interactive examples and monitoring

Computer Science

CS is a field that practically demands interactive examples and in this regard monitoring of student’s progress. Practical assignments are a great way to inspire creativity and develop algorithmic thinking. Monitoring allows teachers to identify in real-time students who are struggling with assignments, and to provide them with additional support and guidance. By monitoring the progress of their students, teachers can quickly identify areas where additional instruction or support is needed and make adjustments to their lesson plans accordingly.

Improving Monitoring in the Classroom: Key Strategies

When I was writing this article I was asking teachers about monitoring, and one of ideas was to also write about how to improve monitoring (Thanks Marine 😊), and this is a great topic no matter what kind of tool you use.

Improve Monitoring in Classroom - Cobie AI
Improve Monitoring in Classroom

I will leave you with a few things you can do to improve monitoring:

  • Define precise learning goals and indicators
  • Define how you will collect data
  • Analyse student’s assignments and report on their progress
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Provide feedback to help students succeed
  • Adjust lesson plans accordingly

To improve monitoring in the classroom, it is important to define precise learning goals and indicators (e.g. understanding concepts of programming, critical thinking and problem-solving…), which will help you evaluate your students’ progress and make adjustments as needed. This way you will provide valuable feedback to your students and help students achieve their learning goals.

Since we are talking about goals 😀. I’m a strong believer that every student should learn how to code, but not in a way that everybody should be a developer, but that the goal should be that everybody gets experience on how computer Science can help you achieve goals in other areas. Which is getting more apparent as technology advances. The other goal should be algorithmic thinking, which is a great tool for all jobs your students will have.


In conclusion, monitoring is a powerful tool that can help both teachers and students succeed in computer science. It allows teachers to evaluate their lesson plans, make adjustments as needed, and respond to the needs of their students. It also allows students to receive real-time feedback and support, which can be critical to their success. By using monitoring in computer science, we can create a more engaging and effective learning environment that inspires creativity and algorithmic thinking.

If you are a computer science teacher we invite you to apply for our demonstration and try out our Cobie AI Smart Classroom.